Abstract liquid with sqhere in the middle

Business is built on trust not spam!

Anti-fraud and spam fighting technology to mitigate brand bidding, social bots and violating brand policies.

iPhone laying down with app open
iPhone laying down with app open
Abstract liquid with sqhere in the middle

Business is built on trust not spam!

Anti-fraud and spam fighting technology to mitigate brand bidding, social bots and violating brand policies.

iPhone laying down with app open

Built for you

Anti-fraud and spam technology fighting brand violating.

Bills are automatically paid from your makook, so you'll never miss a payment or overspend again.

Affluence Platform

four payments to help manage expenses and avoid large payments. Simplifying the billing process so businesses can focus on growth

Anti Fraud

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Single Invoice

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Affluence Platform

four payments to help manage expenses and avoid large payments. Simplifying the billing process so businesses can focus on growth

Anti Fraud

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Single Invoice

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Affluence Platform

four payments to help manage expenses and avoid large payments. Simplifying the billing process so businesses can focus on growth

Anti Fraud

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Single Invoice

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Affluence Platform

four payments to help manage expenses and avoid large payments. Simplifying the billing process so businesses can focus on growth

Anti Fraud

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Single Invoice

Extend the payment due date for your vendors by up to 60 days, with an additional 3-day grace period, providing more time to manage your finance

Industries we support

Digital and eCommerce

SaaS and Tools

Hassle Free

Get paid wherever and whenever you need

makook makes it easy to track spending and subscriptions from one place.

London Office

Exmouth Market EC1R 4QL

London, United Kingdom


CR #15271397

Dubai Office

iRise Tower, Tecom

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


CR #1999152

Cairo Office

Cairo Design Discrit, New Cairo Cairo, Egypt


CR #230890